Friday, July 29, 2011

Pool Noodle Printing

Today we tried pool noodle printing. This is by far not my idea, and I can't credit anyone in particular because the idea is spreading like wildfire around blogworld. We had pool noodles left over from L's birthday party so I thought...hey why not.

Pretty Cool!

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Evolution of a Nutella Lover's Snacktime

Ohhhhh L, I won't stop you because

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Magnetic Googly Eyes

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I've always had a bit of an obsession with googly eyes!
Since I started making them magnetic by simply hot gluing magnets to the back of them our home has never quite been the same! Once in a while I break these out and hide them around the house for the kids to find. 
It's always unexpected and it cracks them up! 

Here are some i've put around the kitchen...

There's just something so addicting and hilarious about bringing inanimate objects to life!

You can also buy sticky back googly eyes and these are lots of fun too! Can be put almost anywhere!

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bubble Printing

Today we tried bubble printing, which i've been meaning to try for a while and was reminded of how much fun it looked when I saw THIS BLOG POST.

What you need
dish soap

What you do
mix dish soap, water and paint
let them blow bubbles
then lay the paper on the bubbles

Honestly we only had fun for about 5 minutes out of the whole activity because L accidentally sucked in A LOT of blue bubbles and threw up EVERYWHERE! After that whole fiasco it was naptime and VERY suprisingly after his nap, he asked to finish the bubble printing! I was pretty reluctant, but he really wanted to so we took it very slow and I pretty much sat 2 inches from him and supervised while he blew bubbles.

At first we used a paper towel to print but that didn't work.
so then we switched to a plain white piece of paper

it turned out really pretty!

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Playdough Filled Balloons

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I found this idea at Somewhat Simple. She calls hers "wacky sacks" and embellishes with eyes and pom poms. Very cute! Literally, I saw it, jumped up, and made them right then in about 10 minutes.
Of course I couldn't just make one or two...I had to make a rainbow (always a rainbow if possible)

soft, squishy, and moldable..a bit hard to put down actually.

Another great thing about these is that the playdough will stay soft in the airtight balloon, so if you wanted to break it open at some point and play with the playdough, you could!

Shortly after giving them to L, he wanted me to put faces on them so I did with a sharpie.
He calls them potatoes, which is pretty funny and he's been carrying them around and making voices and making up stories with them. Love it! Even with a permanent sharpie though, the faces will wear off. 

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