We had planned to make a sunflower house today, but when I got out to the backyard to till a rectangle to plant the sunflowers, I discovered that our backyard is only rocks and clay. It was disappointing, but I suppose our sunflower house will have to wait until we buy a home.
So, I continued with our other plans. I have a large container of dirt that I keep for Lawson to play in. I bought some fake bugs and put then into the dirt for him to dig up. He loved this! He'd find them and say "tada!" or "suprise!" It was lots of fun!
After digging for fake bugs we went digging for REAL worms! Lawson had never seen a worm before. He wasn't afraid of it at all (and luckily didn't try to eat it! haha) He got so excited after I would dig up a bit of dirt and uncover a worm. We collected them in a small bucket and then put them into his little garden.
After our picnic outside on a blanket, I broke out the waterpillar and let Lawson play for a bit. Its not super hot out so this didn't last long.
After playing in the water, I undressed him outside and planned on bringing him inside for a bath, however, he took off while he was naked and went straight for his dirt bin. I almost went after him but then thought.."oh well!" So he played the rest of the afternoon naked in the backyard! haha! It was so cute, and he really seemed to enjoy being naked!
We had a great Earth Day!
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