This is a huge ONGOING list of creative activities from
Play Create Explore
Play Create Explore
that i've done with my boys in the last few years
from the ages of 1-5.
The list is mostly in age ASCENDING order, so you'll find most of the baby/toddler play first. However, keep in mind that even most activities towards end of the list can be modified for younger children.
(If there are any link issues let me know and I'll fix them right away. Thanks!)
Color of the Week Series: (Exploring Colors with a Toddler
1 color, 1 week at a time. Tons of color themed activities!)
Edible Finger Paints for Babies and Toddlers
Baby's First Time Painting (13 months)
Baby Sensory Bin (noodles, rice, and shapes)
Baby Sensory Bin (colored sand and blocks)
Baby Sensory Bin (Christmas themed)
Epsom Salt Sensory Play
Kitchen Nesting Cups (baby play)
Baby Drums
Messy Learning with Shaving Cream and Gluing Beans
Toddler Science: Oil and Water+ Food Coloring
Wax Paper Collage
Painting with Water
Clean Mush
Corn Painting
Corn Shuckin'
Utility Paper Exploration
Contact Paper Collage
Color Wheel Painting
Crazy Textures Painting
Fly Swatter Painting
Egg Shell Sensory
Toy Truck Track Painting
Cotton Ball Activity: Exploring SOFT
Body Painting on a Sheet
Paint Filled Eggs
Powdered Paint Filled Eggs
Colored Ice Cubes
Koolaid Colored Ice Cubes
Ocean Sensory Bin
Imprinting with TP and PT Rolls
Baked Cotton Balls
Colored Tape Collage
Bubble Wrap Printmaking
Dinosaur Sensory Bin
Edible Berry Painting
Toddler Science: Milk Rainbows
Dinosaur Eggs with Coffee Dough
Treasure Rocks
Nut Boats
Jello Sensory Activity
Apple Printing
Playing With Dried Orange Slices
Christmas Themed Shaving Cream Sensory Bin
Pretend Cooking and Baking With Real Ingredients (Age 2)
Pretend Cooking with Real Ingredients (Age 3)
Sticky Salt Painting
Snow Painting
Crayon Melting on a Warm Plate
Treasure Ice Cubes
Color Experimenting in a Clear Plastic Egg Carton
Sponge Painting
Funny Magazine Cutout Gluing and Pasting
Window Markers
Marble Painting
Clay Birds Nest Using Natural Materials
Bath Mat, and Marbles Activity
Buttons: Matching, Sorting, Counting
Plastic Easter Egg Matching Game
Indoor Bubble Blowing
Chalk and Water Play Ideas
Painting Daisies
Pretend Play: Stuffed Animal Bubble Bath and Grooming
Water Balloon Cut-Up
Outdoor Pretend Play: Clothesline
Pretend Play: Store
Paper Bag Puppets
Pretend Garden in a Storage Container
Indoor Spider Web and Bug Rescue
Styrofoam Sculptures
Shaving Cream and Powdered Paints
Painting on a Dry Erase Board
Playdough Filled Balloons
Bubble Printing
Pool Noodle Printing
Magnets and Backdrops Used For Storytelling
Abstract Art Using a Giant Geoboard
Painting Over Hot Glue Gun Designs
Magazine Googly Eye Funny Faces
Pool Noodle Marble Run
Floor Puzzles: Tape and Blocks
Shaving Cream Marbled Paper
Toilet Paper Roll Trail
Weaving With a Styrofoam Produce Tray
Painting with Pudding
Apple Picking Sensory Bin
Hidden Diamonds in Waterbeads Sensory Bin
Leaf Snowflakes and Confetti
Fall Sensory Bin
Army Men Outdoor Play
Puffy Paint
Spice Painting
Cardboard Box Drive Thru Restaurant
Sea in the Sink
Painting With a Battery Powered Spin Spa
Preschool Science: Candy Experiments-Melting and Dissolving
Hail Painting
Indoor Miniature Playscapes: Jungle
Indoor Miniature Playscapes: Tiny Village
Cooked Spaghetti Sensory Bin
Cloud Dough
Making Orange Juice with a Hand Juicer
Toy Painting
Contact Paper Sticky Table
Weird Object Painting
Snow Playdough
Secret Messages in Sea Shells
Huge Popcorn Fight
Rainbow I Spy Sensory Bin
Finders Keepers Treasures
Mini Indoor Skating Rink and Popsicle Stick Ice Skaters
Cozy Reading Area
Fun With a Roll of Toilet Paper
Toothpicks and Marshmallows
Shredded Paper Sensory Bin
Magic Carpet: Imaginary Play and Exercise
Crayon Melting on a Candle Warmer
Comparing and Guessing Weight On a Scale
Secret Messages with Birthday Candles and Watercolors
Contained Body Painting
Cranberry Stamping
The "What's missing?" Game
The "Guess that Smell" Game
Painting with a Mini Back Massager
Big Laminated Dinosaur to Color Over and Over Again
Clay or Playdough Birds Nests
Stone Soup
Playing with Tiny Ice: Sensory and Fine Motor
Birdseed Sensory Bin
A Sheet of Ice + Food Coloring + Salt = Wow!
Felt Faces
Shaving Cream Slip N Slide
Shaving Cream Rainbow Slip-N-Slide
Pond/Lifecycle of a Frog Sensory Bin
Outdoor Play with a PVC Pipe
20 Ways to Play with Shaving Cream
Painting with a Paint Roller
Ice + Glitter + Baby Oil
Window Screem Printing/Painting
Blue Glitter Goop
Large Scale Fingerpainting
Aluminum Foil River, Pond, and Waterfall
Colored Vinegar and Baking Soda Eruptions
Outdoor Pretend Cooking Setup
Creating a Mini Pond in a Container
Crushed Chalk Potions
How to Capture and Preserve a Spider Web on Paper
Fun Baths
Night Time Outdoor Reflector Hunt
Volunteering at the Animal Shelter
Nature Hammering
Glow in the Dark Fan
Summer Snowballs
Bathtub Restaurant
Playing in Rainbow Puddles
Coffee Can Stilts
Tissue Paper Stained Glass Window
Colored Sand Play
Chocolate Playdough
Painting and Printing with Styrofoam
Pendulum Painting
Toy Imprints in Clay
Web Weaving
Salad Spinner Art
Painting and Printing with Hedge Apples
Fun Learning Activities with Laminated Alphabet Letters
Plastic Cup Phones (classic toy)
Sticky Frame Nature Collage
Colored Glue Art
Face Feature Magnets
Scented and Colored Rice (for sensory play)
Tape Resist Snowflakes
Coffee Bean Sensory Bin
Playing with Playdough in Water
Party Paint
Marshmallow Stamping
Ice Cream Dough
Fun Way to Learn About Bees
Polka Dot Bath
Button Collection I-Spy
Homemade Scented Paints
Cotton Candy and Bubble Gum Scented Play dough
Sensory Play Recipes Using Frosting Creations
Bubble Wrap Run
Baby Oil Sensory Bags
Make a Photocopy Storybook
River Habitat Small World Sensory Bin
Monster Punching Bag
Toilet Paper Roll Heart Printing
Popcorn Kernel Sensory Bin
Felt Rainbow Busy Bag
Winter Wonderland Small World Sensory Play
Toy Car Painting
Scented Bubble Mountains
Edible Popcorn Painting
Dinosaur Fossil Dig Sensory Bin
Shaving Cream on the Windows
Black Light Painting
Fizzy Rainbow Science
Yellow Activities and Sensory Bins
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Im a 20year old mom with two boys my baby is one an my oldest is 3 i am looking for activitys that i can do with both of them ab this page has gave me alot of ideas
ReplyDeleteGood ideas you got here, apart from letting them explore things by their own safely, you are also starting to develop their creative sides by letting them do art activities. You could also include some dog grooming activities with your child. Me and my little sister are doing that together too even when we visited our relatives in Long island.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this list!! I have a 12 month old and have been running out of ideas. Can't wait to watch our wee man get creating and have some fun.
ReplyDeleteI wish you were MY mom!!
ReplyDeleteRight! Her son is one lucky boy! I sure hope he sees that when he is older! :)
DeleteJust wanted to give you a thumbs up! I love this list, and use it often in my home daycare.. Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteThis one good way in nurturing your child's interest in arts and crafts. Also this will enhance their visual appreciation by distinguishing other colors from the other.
ReplyDeleteQuality time with the family is one of the most important factor to keep a ties and bond tight. Having a reserve time to bond and be with them is one good way of clarifying any misunderstandings and issues between each and every member of the family.
ReplyDeleteAwesome job! We have a busy summer ahead thanks to you! Please don't ever delete this! --The link to the salt/ice project doesn't work:(
ReplyDeleteThis is a brilliant collection of ideas! Really fabulous. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI am an Italian Art teacher and I work with kids from 3 to 10! Here I found a lot of news ideas and inspirations! Deeply thank you!
ReplyDeleteJust thought I’d let you know I included a link to some of your activities, including painting with trucks on my personal blog. Such cute ideas! Thanks for the post!
ReplyDeleteAmy Senter
Wow, I've been trying (and failing) to find fun and cheap sensory play things to do with my son who is 4 and has Asperger's Syndrome, needless to say that I will be giving a lot of these a go. On the plus side my 2yr old daughter can join in too :)
ReplyDeleteincredible...fantastic...absolutely brilliant!!!
ReplyDeletethank you soooo much for sharing!
GOD bless :D