
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cooked Spaghetti Sensory Bin

I cooked up some spaghetti for L to play with and briefly thought about giving him real sauce, but QUICKLY changed my mind and opted for red tempura powdered paint instead.

I let him play with the "sauceless" noodles first.
When I thought he started to get a little bored I introduced the "spaghetti sauce"

I mixed salt with red tempura powdered paint for the
"spaghetti sauce" and put it into an empty spice shaker

and he LOVED adding the "sauce!"

It was soooo red that my camera was blinded by it and couldn't really get a great close up

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  1. A great idea! Just wondering how long does it keep him busy? Thanks for all your ideas, your blog is very inspiring!

    1. I do this in my daycare (2 and 3 yo). They play for a LONG period of time. I add bowls and tongs for fine motor development. Sometimes I color the spaghetti to make rainbow spaghetti.

  2. Why thank you! He played with it for about 30 minutes...then dinner was ready so he may have played longer, but it allowed me to get dinner cooked at least! :) Sometimes I keep him interested in the activity longer by not introducing all the play accessories and gadgets right up front. Like with the spaghetti sauce. I didn't give it to him till I saw that he was getting a bit bored then when I brought the "sauce" out, it was like a whole new experience again!

  3. Wow, Jessie! Just, wow! You amaze me with how brave you are and how willing to make a mess. I am trying to be more like that because kids love to learn through making a mess! I featured this post at WOTT this week so feel free to grab a featured button. I love love love your blog :) Thank you for sharing your ideas!

  4. I just wanted to say I just came across your blog and LOVE all your fun ideas I can't wait to try some of them out. Thanks for sharing!!

  5. ...and she let him play with it in a WHITE shirt! Brave mama! We've played with cooked spaghetti but this week I'd like to have a rainbow of colors to play with so am going to explore with dying our noodles. Should be fun! I'm going to keep the tempera paint spice jar sauce in mind though!


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