
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Toilet Paper Roll Trail

While L was napping, I made a toilet paper trail that led from his bedroom, all around the house and ended in our laundry room. At the end of the trail he found a smiley face card with "I love you" written on it, and a treat--rock candy.

It's little things like this that I hope he remembers fondly as an adult,
and wants to pass on to his own children. Such simple things that parents can do that mean so much to children in the long run. I love my little boys so much and I always want them to remember the little things that mommy did to make them laugh or smile.

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  1. What a sweet and wonderful surprise! I'm sure they will remember and look back fondly. I hope for the same. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Such a sweet idea! Is there a reason most of your posts aren't showing up in my reader? I keep thinking you're not here... But I see that you HAVE been posting! I will put you on my Blog lovin too. :)

  3. blog lovin' can't find you either. Is something wrong with your feed?

  4. Your photos have never shown up in my Google Reader, so I have to click on the title if I want to see the actual post.

  5. They will definately remember it! You are such a wonderful mother!!

  6. This warms my heart! :) I love doing things like this, and I love seeing other parents making their little ones feel extra special like this. You are a wonderful mom! I would love it if you would stop by my blog to say hi! We made some pumpkin playdough this week that we're really proud of! I'm also featuring a recipe for pumpkin pancakes today! I hope you're having an awesome day!

    Mandi at BBM

  7. How simple is that? I bet he had a blast finding his way through the house! I love this idea :)

  8. I bet our trusted Long Island plumbers would love a hidden treat like that, too. Thanks for the hidden treat idea!

  9. This is so sweet and precious i am welling up inside. Thank you so much for sharing. I have spent hours on your blog. The projects are easy to set up and totally gratifying for little hands and minds. My guys are going to love this!


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