
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lid Art Magnets

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My almost 5 year old and I made some super cool and one of a kind magnets for my mom as a Mother's Day gift. We are often bringing the kids art projects over to her house to adorn her fridge, but she only has a few magnets so we thought she could use some specially made by us, that double as mini art pieces as well!

I raided our lid collection, got some of our crafty bits out, a few glue guns, and some magnet rounds. After we glued our bits and pieces into the lids, I hot glued the magnets to the back. Easy peasy! I didn't take many pictures of the process because I was carefully watching and helping L with using the glue gun. He did surprisingly well..only a few glue gun burns, but that didn't stop him from making more and eventually he really got the hang of it. He felt like a "big boy" using mommy's craft tool.

You could also use regular white school glue, but they will just take a whole lot longer to dry.
However, if you have smaller kids, this could be a better option.

I just love them! 
Think we'll have to make a few more for ourselves :)

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  1. Beautiful! Definitely doing this for grandparents day!

  2. My 4 year old would love this. He loves using the glue gun. I also like how open ended this activity is.


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