
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Popcorn Kernel Sensory Bin

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It was National Popcorn Day on January 19th, and we celebrated by making popcorn (of course) but we did it on the stove which is WAY more fun, and we used the other half of the bag for a 
Popcorn Kernel Sensory Bin. So simple, but the boys had so much fun!

I spread a large sheet down first for quick and easy cleanup and less waste since I was able to just fold the towel and scoop up all the popcorn kernels to save for another day of fun!

In case you're wondering what the weird thing on the right is, it's a loose tea strainer. 
The boys love to use it in their sensory bins! 

 Sensory Bin Safety
I'm a firm believer that young babies and toddlers can enjoy most of the sensory activities and materials that older children do. You should always watch babies and younger children with extreme vigilance when playing with sensory bins and material. Use your parental discretion when choosing your sensory materials, based on your child's age and developmental ability.

See how we celebrated National Popcorn Day LAST year!
(Click the title link below)

To see ALL of our Sensory Bins, click the photo below!

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  1. Great idea! This is one I have not done yet. Will have to try now!

  2. Ha! My tea strainer is one of my son's favorite things. In fact, I have no idea where it's gone. Popcorn kernels are such a great idea for a sensory bin! You are a brave, brave woman to allow those kernels all over your floor.

  3. So much fun! I love the popcorn fight from last year, too!

    We did C is for Corn when we learned about farms. You might like checking out our painting with popcorn seeds activity. It was a lot of fun for both my toddler and preschoolers. (Hope you don't mind me including the link)

  4. Where can you find bulk kernels?


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