
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summer Snowball Fight with Fluffy Stuff

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We made FLUFFY STUFF which is simply

it is very similiar to the Cloud Dough that we've made in the past,
yet it is still a different sensory experience, one that all 3 boys (1,4, 14) enjoyed!

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The coolest part about Fluffy Stuff is how soft it is yet able to be molded.

Once we molded a few balls we immediately associated them with snowballs.

L wanted to make them purple so we added some powdered tempura paint.

The lavender Fluffy Stuff was then molded again into snowballs and what do you do with snowballs?.......HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT OF COURSE!
Sadly I have no pics. I don't think my phone would have survived it as I was covered in "snow!"

My Stepson J (14) has a BB gun and he actually made his own batch of Fluffy Stuff, molded several snowballs, and used them as targets. It was actually pretty cool!
When he shot them they exploded like "POOF!" leaving a little cloud purple behind.

If you liked this activity, you may also enjoy...

Cloud Dough


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  1. Love this idea definitely trying it out thanks for the inspiration. Will it last long if kept in a container?

  2. AHHHHH! LOVE this! So messy! So fun! And a warm snow ball fight is just my style( I hate the cold)

  3. I love that we both came up with the same name for this wonderful stuff! Well, actually, my son named it "fluffy stuff" when we made it. I will never make the flour/oil combo again. This stuff is way better. Gotta love Lisa Murphy.

  4. We tried this today - thank you for the inspiration! It worked a treat and my 16 month old engaged in some independent play for ages (not like her at the moment!) and when she'd finished we added some water, made gloop and started all over again. I couldn't resist joining in this time though!

    1. Does it last long if you put it in a container or is it a one time use type of thing?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I love love love this! I'm featuring this on my blog today as my favourite from last week's Tuesday Tots linky. Thanks for linking up.

  7. That looks like so much fun! I think my kids would totally love it

  8. Looks like something my kids would enjoy; especially being able to change the color! Thanks

  9. Looks likes soooo much fun (loving the Mummy rocks T too!): Love what you do! Sharing on my facebook page:
    stay crafty! x

  10. Does it stiffen up? I'm wanting to make beer mugs for a show and that looks like it could be wonderful foam!

  11. does it clean up easily?!

  12. How many ounces are in a box? I only have 1 GIANT bag of cornstarch. Thanks!

  13. Pat Ward, it's moldable but doesn't exactly stiffen. To the last 3 comments...I would reccommend playing with this stuff on a sheet or plastic table cloth. It's not hard to clean up, it just gets everywhere. I used 2 16 oz boxes of cornstarch, but it's not an exact measurement type of thing. You can experiment with how much shaving cream you use to get it to a constistency you like. Janice, you can definately play with it many times! I'm not sure exactly how long it would last, but in an airtight container or plastic ziplock, I'm guessing you could keep it for a few weeks maybe. Definately not a one time thing though. :)

    1. I didn't see this comment when I posted mine below- I made the same dough several weeks ago for an event I was speaking at and when I re-opened the airtight plastic bins a few weeks later, mold had grown. I have not had the same experience with cloud doughs made with white flour/baby oil or wheat flour/coconut oil. Those seem nearly immortal in bins. :) Also, the corn starch and detergent (bubble dough) made at the same time as the shaving cream/corn starch dough, had hardened and showed possible signs of light molding in the same air tight bins, but it was hard to tell. For some reason, the shaving cream/corn starch mix was most susceptible in our experience and I plan to keep making this awesome foamy dough, but I won't keep it for longer than a week or so....

  14. Love it! Here in CA I think I'll use it for a wintertime snowball fight! Can't wait to try it with the kiddos.

  15. Oh my goodness!!!! That is awesome!!!! I love snow. But we don't always have it. I am so gonna make this next time we have our grandson. Thanks so much :)

  16. Oh this is fabulous! I can't wait to try this with the kiddos I nanny for!

  17. ? My sister had I an idea to wear all white and have a fluffy stuff fight with this stuff...but we r wondering if it will stain the clothing....we r hoping it does because if so we r gonna make a bunch of different colors and tye dye u think it will work?

  18. About how much does this make? We are doing this for my daughter's school class at our party and there are 22 kids in the class. They will be rotating through. Should we make it ahead of time or let the kiddos help in the fun (they are first graders)? Thank you!

  19. can't seem to get it moldable :-(, have tried adding more foam in just a little flour & gradually increasing more cornflour, but just not moldable. Where am I going wrong??

    1. Are you using corn starch or corn flour?

  20. Cmoore are you using cornstarch or cornflour?

  21. cmoore, hmmm that is strange, but you mentioned cornflour. I'm using cornstarch which is the same thing as what they call "corn flour in the UK, however if your in the US and using Corn Flour, then your actually using cornmeal which definitely would not work. Perhaps I can help once I know where you are. :)

  22. I am in Uk but using cornflour. Its lovely & soft , but just will not stay in shape when you squeeze it together. Squeeze then open hand & it falls apart, no way will it mold.
    As I previously said I tried mixing shaving foam with little cornflour & then adding more cornflour, but didnt't make any difference.
    We were so disappointed as I had really built it up for them.
    Many thanks for any enlightenment!

  23. Cmoore, if it's the holding shape your having trouble with, instead of adding more cornflour (cornstarch)try adding more shaving cream which adds more moisture. Hope it helps!

  24. Thanks for this idea. If I may add something to this activity is that we can shape them to a snowman and using clay for details like the nose.

  25. Thank you so much for this fantastic idea!! I have included your site in my weekly round up of useful blogs at Thanks again, and I can't wait to make this!

  26. some products labelled corn flour are actually made from wheat, i wonder if this is why some are failing.

  27. We bombard our kids each year as they get off the bus on the last day of school. They will be expecting water balloons but will get these this year. Thanks for the idea.

  28. I'm the catalog designer for a publishing company. I'm working on our summer issue now. We like to include "content" pages with craft ideas. May I have your permission to use the picture of the snowballs on the fence? (We found this on Pinterest and repined it to one of our boards.) I'll include a link to your page so you get credit.
    Thank you,
    Angela Decker
    Catalog designer for Books & Things: Especially for Families (owned by Cedar Fort Publishing)

  29. Ohh I love this thank you, deffinatley going to try with my ds

  30. Whats the recipee

  31. Great post! I recently posted on making one of these "fun doughs" with corn starch and shaving cream, too- and wanted to pass on that when I re-visited the bin a few weeks later, that we found mold. That is not to discourage anyone from making it or playing with it- but, I have learned that it's not quite as immortal as cloud dough! haha! I plan to go back into my post to put a recommendation that the dough be tossed after about a week or so- We did not use any tempura paint like you did, though! Good idea!

    1. I am trying to get my Christmas song Fluffy Snow heard all over the world

      Please would you be willing to have a listen to the sample of it on youtube? I am hoping you will enjoy it enough to perhaps consider liking and sharing it with others


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