
Friday, March 23, 2012

Making Stone Soup Outside

We borrowed the book "Stone Soup" from the library and we've been reading it over and over for weeks. L absolutely loves the story, as did I when I was a kid.

There are many variations, but if you are unfamiliar with this classic folktale,
wikipedia will summarize the most popular version for you (because I am lazy haha) .

 Some travellers come to a village, carrying nothing more than an empty cooking pot. Upon their arrival, the villagers are unwilling to share any of their food stores with the hungry travellers. Then the travellers go to a stream and fill the pot with water, drop a large stone in it, and place it over a fire. One of the villagers becomes curious and asks what they are doing. The travellers answer that they are making "stone soup", which tastes wonderful, although it still needs a little bit of garnish to improve the flavour, which they are missing. The villager does not mind parting with a few carrots to help them out, so that gets added to the soup. Another villager walks by, inquiring about the pot, and the travellers again mention their stone soup which has not reached its full potential yet. The villager hands them a little bit of seasoning to help them out. More and more villagers walk by, each adding another ingredient. Finally, a delicious and nourishing pot of soup is enjoyed by all.

So on this beautiful sunny spring day, L did what I remember doing many times as a child...make stone soup outside using natural materials. And just like I once did, he believed whole heartedly that his soup was "real" and tasted delicous! I love a child's imagination!

Soup from a stone. Fancy that!

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  1. I adore imaginative play as well. His soup look so yummy too :)

  2. Looks like a deer used it as a restroom! LOL! Will have to check that book out sounds awesome!

  3. That sounds a wonderful book - I will have to see whether it's available in the UK. I can remember making similar things as a kid and my Son whose 2 and a half has taken it to a whole new level and uses the whole of his sand and water table to make his soups and mixes.

  4. I love the story! Sometimes when I play outside I make stone soup. His looks good too, but it also looks like there's doggy-doo in it. :P

  5. In kindergarten we actually made stone soup just as the book said with our teacher. I remember everyone got a stone in their soup and loved it!!


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