
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Our Week in Pictures

(this one is from the last two weeks actually)

An impromptu photo shoot that I couldn't resist after driving by an open field with the perfect late afternoon lighting. My beautiful little boy, who luckily was wearing the apple print shirt I made him!

The "Living Forest" event at Hobbs State Park. So neat! A ranger guided us along a trail where we stopped at certain points to let "animals" (costumed humans) tell us about themselves and how we can help them in the wild. L loved it!

made up yard games
toss the beach ball into bucket. lol

the quickest "just give me 15 min. to do the dishes idea EVER"
"You can eat the fruit loops after you've sorted them all by color"

Playing in the Fall Sensory Bin (or pool actually)

my sleepy little bear

My little B, working with my mom.

one of the coolest playdates ever.
All the moms brought cardboard boxes and other various items such as tape, scissors, yarn, crayons, stickers, sheets, toys, etc. and the kids and adults worked together to build a cardboard fort. Totally awesome.

Cookie Cutter Carpet Cookies haha

Trip to the Tulsa Aquarium

My birthday and my very girly bday suprises. My husband LOVES to indulge my love for Disney Princess' and I LOVE him for it! (those of you that have little girls and can't stand the "princess/fairy thing, I get it but I LOVE the princess/fairy thing! BUUUT I am surrouned by boys and I take my pink and girly where I can get it! haha!) My card said "Happy Birthday Princess Jessie!"
Love that man!

Lost 13 more lbs YAY!!

This is our country life. Amazing.

a rainy day 2 hour bubble bath

Pumpkin Patch. Yes, we ALL rode the mini cow kiddie tractor ride

Me taking a picture of Brian taking a picture of me. But look at L's face...I just love him!

L grilled rocks and leaves for us at the park. YUM!

Our Hawkmoth Caterpillar that we've had in a mason jar emerged from his cacoon finally! We found him early in the morning and the cat was chasing him! He's one lucky moth!

Discovering B's likes and

Computer Cat: who hides behind the coputer screen and attacks your fingers while you type!

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  1. Questo blog รจ MAGNIFICO, veramente STREPITOSO !

    complimenti! Lietta Santinelli

  2. omg these pictures are gr8!!! thanks for sharing!

  3. Charming photos! I love your ideas of things to do with little ones, and I just might borrow the fruit loop idea... : )


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