
Monday, July 11, 2011

Messy Art/ Rainbow Theme Outdoor Birthday Party

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 Little son turned 3!
I threw a MESSY ART PARTY outside at our home.
I soon realized that it was more messy than arty, but that made it even more fun and the kids had an absolute blast! It also had a slight rainbow theme to compliment the ART part of the overall theme.

The Setup

2 Sensory Fun Kiddie Pools  
shaving cream and colored sand 
(We had a Goop pool but too much water got dumped in)

Messy Kitchen Station 
fake plastic food, natural ingredients (rocks, sticks, leaves, etc), utensils, and the main ingredient of messy fun flour and water
(which was fun but I wouldn't recommend. It was horrible to clean up! Should have went with GOOP)

Outdoor Paint Canvas 
My husband and his buddy made this awesome outdoor canvas for the kids to paint using washable paint and brushes and spray bottles filled with colored water (water and paint).

Swimming Pool and Slip-N-Slide
To wash off and cool off

A few buckets of bubbles
and lots of different kinds of bubble wands
forgot to take pics


1 kiddie table covered with easle paper to color on.
I also gave the kids stickers and coloring books.
I wanted a non messy table for kids that are a bit messy shy
or just needed a bit of a break in the craziness.

A water table and kiddie table near the sand pool to mix sand and water

A few large storage containers scattered around the yard and filled with water for easy wash off.
Which at times also became tubs lol

Food and Drinks
Grilled hotdogs and hamburgers, chips, drinks, cookies, watermelon, etc.

homemade rainbow suprise birthday cake
this cake is all over the internet right now and I knew I had to do it!
 I found the easiest directions

Just look at that face! He was so proud of mommy's cake and couldn't wait to see the suprise inside!


Party Favors

Homemade bubble wands and rainbow coloring books (paint samples from Lowes)

I also kindly asked that instead of bringing gifts, that guests bring art supplies 
 to donate to the Northwest Arkansas Children's Shelter.

Birthday Banner and Sign

Using more paint samples from Lowes, I made a "Happy Birthday" rainbow banner using string, colored fuzzy craft sticks, and 6 of my favorite pictures of L from this year.

Cardboard birthday sign
I super glued a bunch of arty/crafty materials to stick with the ART theme and 
traced the letters using ABC cookie cutters 


The internet was an amazing resource for this party. I used some ideas I found from others who have braved this party before me and some ideas I created on my own.
You can view my inspirations on my PINTEREST Board!

If you loved themed parties, come see the Pancake Party we threw for L's 2nd birthday!

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  1. This was, and probably always will be, the best party my kids have ever been to!! They are still talking about how much fun they had! They did not utter a word about it being hot! Seeing the kids have so much fun almsot made us forget how hot it was outside! You really did a WONDERFUL job Jess! and that rainbow cake was Delicious!!!!

  2. Thank you sooo much Cass! I'm glad the kids had so much fun and also that your new little one decided to hold off for a few more days so yall could make it! lol. That book that you made him is one of the cutest things i've ever seen!

  3. I LOVE that cake. Happy birthday to your little one.

  4. I am so beyond sad that "M" missed out on this party!!! If she only saw this post, she would be so angry with me!!! I am so happy that it was PERFECT though, this looks like the most exciting party ever!!! Great job, Jess :)

  5. might i suggest that instead of flour and water, use cornstarch and water. it makes a wonderful "goop" that is both a liquid and a solid (can't remember the scientific term for it but there is one!) once dry, it is SO easy to clean up. i know because i am a former pre-k teacher that now hosts art parties. i have used it many times with great success :)

  6. Lizabeth,
    You know..we actually had a "goop" pool setup but too much water was added and it didn't "goop" like it was supposed to. The kids still got in it but once the shaving cream pool was filled they didn't care anything about the watery goop lol. I was so dissapointed because I know how much the kids would have loved that goop stuff!

  7. That party sounds fabulous! I've thrown a messy party or two in my day too and I use cornmeal instead of flour. Flour and water is basically impenetrable awful paste on whatever it dries on, but cornmeal doesn't have gluten it so it is no problem at all, and is just as fun as flour. Discovered your blog through Let the Children Play, great ideas!

  8. WOW!!!! I'm grinning from ear to ear with excitement! That would be such a great party to attend! Wow! LOL I think I know what we will be doing for my daughters 3rd birthday! You're fun-ness has inspired me so much! <3

  9. I LOVE the look on your son's face (birthday cake photo)

  10. My jaw literally dropped and I said Oh my Gosh when I saw that shaving cream pool! Wowsas! This looks like one super-fun party. I love your rainbow theme and I really love that large canvas! What great memories!

  11. What an extraordinary party!!!!!!!! I imagine the guest of honor and all his friends will happily remember that day FOREVER!!!

  12. LOVE this party! Looks like so much fun.

  13. I came here via "It's Playtime" and I can't stop marveling at these ideas and all the fun the kids must have had.

    But, more than anything else, I can't stop admiring your efforts and the guts to go ahead with such a thing when you're in your 8th month of pregnancy! Wow! hats off to the spirit of motherhood!

    I will bookmark this so I can borrow some of these ideas for my daughter's next birthday party or any other occasion for that matter.

    And hey - that cake looks lovely and delicious. :)

    All the very best for the baby boy in August!

  14. Following you now via Google Friend Connect.

  15. What a wonderful way to celebrate a 3rd birthday! I love all the messy play, especially the swimming pool full of shaving cream! You've been featured this week on It's Playtime

    Rachele @ Messy Kids

  16. BEST. PARTY. EVER. I will be pinning a lot of this for my little girl's party (next year). This is so fabulous. Well done!

  17. That was probably the best birthday party idea that I've ever seen! Maybe I should throw one for myself? :)

  18. Awe..these are such great ideas! Looks like they had the best time ever!

    I came to visit from Getting Messy with Ms.Jessie. New Follower.


  19. I think this is an awesome idea, and I love that you asked for donations instead of (good gravy, not more!) toys. This entire party sends the right message to kids. I wish I could be more like you--but now I have your site as a fantastic resource and we'll play catch-up! :)

  20. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing your party!

  21. Awesome Blog. Great ideas. I will definitely be visiting again. Thanks for all the great ideas :)

  22. This is the most amazing birthday party idea I have EVER seen! This post just decided what I will do for my daughter's party (also in July)! It looks like SOOOO much fun! I love every part of this, but mostly the idea of asking for art donations! Great ideas!

  23. What can I say - you are my idol.

  24. What an awesome party! We had a rainbow/art party for my 5 year old, but it was in the winter and we were stuck inside. Looks like fun!

  25. I love your party ideas and plan on using most of them for my son's birthday :-) About how many cans of shaving cream do you need to fill the pool?


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