
Monday, April 11, 2011

Our Week in Pictures

A weekly post
that captures the memories we've made
(including the cat)
from Monday-Sunday

He wanted to wear "daddies hat" all day he said

L at his Stretch and Grow class.
If they offer this class in your area I highly suggest looking into it. I had L in Gymboree for about a year and this class is far better, and less expensive.

Playing with his new magnetic "paper doll" dress up kit that I got at Discount School Supply online.
This is such a cute kit. It comes with 4 dolls, different sexes and races and a ton of clothing options.

The ugliest picture in the world.
 I bought it at Goodwill and planned to use just the frame for a project, but I set it up so when my husband came home he'd think I bought the picture as a decoration for our home.
I was like "hunny, look at this beautiful picture I got at Goodwill!" and bless his heart he stammered through trying to tell me that he liked it. I finally told him it was a joke and he was like "well thank goodness because that thing is hideous!"

This was too funny. We were at Crackerbarrel and L was playing with that peg game where you try to remove all the pegs on the board. The game starts with one peg hole empty. He asked how to play and I told him that you had to fill ALL the holes with the pegs. You shouldda seen him trying to figure out how to fill that empty peg hole! He was at it forever. LOL

just a cool pic of the windshield during a trip to the carwash

A historic moment in our household!
This was the FIRST time i've ever seen the bottom of the dirty clothes hamper!
I just had to document this!

Digging for worms in Nonny's front garden bed

He found one!

The gems and marbles stick to the suction cups of the mat
Kept him busy while I cooked dinner

Some water table time

L's brother J (my stepson) came in this week for a month's visit
L is super excited that his brother is here

Caddy Cat's Week

Everyone loves fresh, warm blankets right out of the dryer

"Help Me!"
(as L tries to give Caddy a kiss)

My Favorite "L" Quotes/Moments of the Week

After a bath I was rubbing lotion all over L and he wanted to do it too, so I gave him some lotion and he was rubbing it over his butt and he had a puzzled look on his face. I turned him around to see what he was feeling and he was rubbing his buttcrack and then he said
"Somebody cut my butt mommy!"

L was trying to tell his brother a story but was talking really fast and mumbling a lot and this went on for like 2 minutes straight. By the end of it, J said, "I didn't understand a word of that" and L says,
"Are you kidding me?!"

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