
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Homemade Hidden Veggie Pops

I've been going nuts lately trying to get L to eat his vegetables. He has NEVER been a picky eater until a few weeks ago when he just decided that all the food he used to love was "yucky."  I always blamed picky eaters on parents...but now I know better. I exposed that kid to alllll kinds of different foods since he was old enough to start solids. He ate EVERYTHING, including almost any vegetable! And then one day....he just refused...everything. So, now I know that a picky eater can develop on his own, and not be the result of a non food versatile parent.

I had made a yummy batch of
which are just strawberries and bananas blended into a puree with a little water added so its not so thick and then frozen with a popsicle stick. These are soooo good and all natural and L LOVES THEM! Plus, its something I don't mind him asking for all the time because they are good for him.

Well, after another veggie battle at lunch (sweet peas that used to be his favorite like 3 weeks ago)...I  took that can of peas, some strawberries and bananas, then blended them together and made

Hidden Veggie Pops

Talk about SUCCESS! 

He didn't question his popsicle for a second and I just watched him eat it with a HUGE smile on my I ate my strawberry banana popsicle (no peas for me). haha!

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  1. All 3 of my kids eat everything under the sun, and then that defiant toddlerhood phase hits. They think everything is yucky all the sudden! They get past it eventually and go back to eating all the good stuff. In the meantime, I just kept offering it to them, and they had to have at least one bite. Now it's all good again (for the most part, lol). I'm so making these pops, though. Extra veggies are always a plus!

  2. Thank you for this! I am anxious to try it. My 2 kids were BORN picky eaters... They literally dry heave and or vomit if they have certain foods (of which includes ALLLLL meat!) I used to think it was the parent's fault as well. My son (7) is sloooowly getting better so I have some hope! But until then, I will give this a shot!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Came over here from Pinterest. My son is 4 and will not touch any veggie what so ever. He LOVES fruit, so I am definitely putting this on my next grocery shopping trip! He likes to help in the kitchen, but I'll have him sit this one out! :)


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