
Thursday, May 20, 2010


So I found this activity on, and immediately after reading, I broke out the materials and let L make his first Monoprint. I definately recommend this super easy project, which you probably already have the materials for! This activity provides lots of different ways for toddlers to explore art! Another mommy bonus to this activity is that cleanup is really simple...just wash the cookie sheet!

Washable, nontoxic paint  (but if you don't have paint, what about ketchup and mustard?!)
Cookie sheet
2 large pieces of paper
Optional: Cotton swabs, plastic utensils

To start, you or your child squeeze blobs of washable nontoxic paint onto a cookie sheet.

Let your child use their fingers and a utensil such as a cotton ball, cotton swab, etc, to paint on the sheet

Lay a large piece of paper on top of the paint and have them smooth it down with the palms of their hands.

 Lift off the paper, then lay the print flat to dry.

Next, encourage your tot to make designs with her fingers, a cotton swab, or a plastic utensil in the smooth surface of the paint that remains on the cookie sheet. Lift off additional prints on clean sheets of paper. You can add more paint as desired

L's Experience with Monoprint

Smoothing the paper


and another...

And now he's reeeally into it!

Admiring the work of art on his hands

And after one more...these are our finished products.

L really loved this activity! He kept saying "That's beautiful!" and of course, mommy agrees <3

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  1. Looks SOO awesome and fun! You are a great Momma! Thank you for all these fun ideas! Just what I needed!!

  2. My little guy had a blast with this project. Great opportunity to teach about mixing colors! Thanks for all the fun ideas.

  3. Thank you SO much for inspiring me with fun stuff for my boys!! I kept thinking that everything I was seeing online was too old for him, but this list is perfect! You're obviously an awesome Mommy :). Hope you're having fun with it. Thanks again!

  4. You could even frame your child's print and hang in their room...

  5. OMG. Thank you so much for posting all this stuff! Great ideas! I have a two year old that I thought was too young to do anything so she hasn't EVER experienced paint before. :/ but she will now. This is too cute of an idea!

  6. This is also wonderful with chocolate pudding! It shows the reverse picture! A mirror image! Awesome!

  7. For a safe to eat paint, you can use vanilla pudding and add food coloring

  8. This is the best collection of activities for toddlers I've come across! I love that most of the materials are things I readily have on hand! What fun my son and I will have playing and learning together <3

  9. Dumb question: For those who say pudding is better and safer, especially for those who still puts things in their mouth, will it dry like paint? I always wanted to use pudding, but I was always concerned about whether it would dry or would it just stay wet?

  10. I thought the ketchup andustard idea was brilliant as i know my guy would prob ty to eat it. then I thought about the smell on the paper as it dried, but pudding sounds more like it

  11. This is where it all starts. Before you know it, the kid's doing high end large format printing.

  12. I think I could use this method in customizing my folders at home to give life and color to my file organizer. By the way, the art looks like a contemporary art by some famous painters such as Warhol.


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