
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Corn Shuckin

I have fond memories of shucking corn for my grandma when I was a child. These are the kind of memories I'd love to pass down to Lawson. So, instead of quickly trying to shuck the corn for dinner, I set aside a bit of time so Lawson could help. This was his first corn shuckin experience and it won't be his last. He loved it!

This is a great toddler project as well as just a fun thing to do with your kids. There are many layers of husk to shed and they really have to work at it and have some patience to keep going till the corn is clean. The corn silk (or corn hair as I call it) is pretty neat for kids to feel. Unshucked corn has lots of different textures to explore and it's a great sensory activity for toddlers! It's also a great way to instill early on, the lesson of helping, pitching matter how small the job. Everyone can do their part.

It really brought a smile to my face to see my little boy shuckin corn. Its something I loved doing as a kid, and I hope L remembers stuff like this the same way...I hope he looks back and smiles. :)

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  1. I always send my youngest outside with corn to shuck. It keeps the mess outside, and he can get as wild as he wants to with the silks and husks flying! It is a great incentive for him to eat it too--since he "fixed" it.

  2. This is a lovely idea. Corn is one of the few vegetables J will eat and so I think he will really like helping out in this way.

    Thanks again for sharing with Outdoor Play

  3. Look how proud he is! Guess I should let my son try. He loves to help me in the kitchen. Thanks for sharing on It's Playtime

    Rachele @ Messy Kids

  4. Wherever you live looks so pretty with the trees :) Thanks for all these ideas!

  5. My Dad always took my twin brothers to the field to pick and shuck the corn there. He learned he should watch them better when Sean (somewhere less than 4 years old) handed him back an empty cob. He had eaten all the corn!

  6. he is so cute! I'll be teaching my little guy to shuck corn this year. :)


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