
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fizzy Rainbow Science

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Baking Soda + Koolaid + Vineagar  = TONS of Rainbow Fun

I suprised L with a fun science project using baking soda, 
kool-aid and vinegar to make a fabulous fizzy rainbow! 

In a cup, I separately mixed each flavor (color) of kool-aid with a small amount of baking soda and spread each mixture separately out on a cookie sheet in rainbow order. (ROYGBIV)

With a cup full of vinegar (the magic ingredient) he used a baster to drop the vinegar onto the baking soda, causing it to bubble and fizz (the cool science part.) We've done this many times before, but the rainbow was a surprise and he loved it! It was so colorful and fun and smelled AMAZING! Seriously, I cannot over exaggerate how great this smells.

This was after it was finally saturated. L said it looked like rainbow lava! 

To see the colored baking soda and vinegar eruptions we've done in the past, click the photo below!

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  1. I tried this experiment while babysitting a 4 year old and she had a BLAST with this! My recommendation- you don't need to use the entire packet for each color. While it smelled good and fruity at first, the smell of all the flavors fizzing was really strong. If your'e sensitive to scents, smaller doses will still do the trick and the kids love it! Thanks for the great ideas on this blog!!


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