
Friday, November 16, 2012

Homemade Play Dough Gift Set

Homemade play dough gift
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Last Christmas I vowed for a NO-battery operated toys Christmas, and so this Playdough Gift Basket was one of the homemade gifts I put together for L who LOVES playdough. We play with it often, so I like to give him a wide range of utensils and materials to explore with.

Before Christmas, I made a few trips to Goodwill and other thrift stores to scour their kitchen section for neat utensils that would make cool play dough prints, as well as any other miscellaneous crafty materials. I also included natural materials such as a cinnamon stick, pinecone, feathers,
smooth stones, etc.

The playdough containers you see are filled with with homemade playdough. Anytime we are given storebought play dough, we save the containers when it expires and use them to store our homemade playdough in. Each container above contained playdough of a different color and scent. For basic homemade playdough, I use THIS recipe.

This homemade gift was easy and cheap to put together!
L loved all his scented colored playdough and new things to play with. Over the year we've added many things to our playdough basket and now have quite a collection! We buy all our playdough stuff at thrift stores and find the neatest things to work with!

Here's a few more fun Playdough Activities!
(Click the title links)

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1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea! I'd love to be given something like this for my little girl and I have a few little ones in mind that would get a kick out of receiving one of these for Christmas.


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