
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Themed Bath Thursday: Bathtub Car City

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TOTALLY inspired by Growing a Jeweled Rose's Sensory Bath Ideas, I decided to dedicate one night a week to making bathtime EXTRA special! Thursday's are usually our least busiest night of the week, so Themed Bath Thursdays were born!

We haven't done a Themed Bath for over a month! With Joey starting school and the cooler weather tempting us to stay outside longer, we just haven't been able to fit it in. SO, I decided to go ALL OUT for this themed bath since it had been so long. L is absolutely toy car obsessed and I knew I wanted to really WOW him with this one....and I did. This bath took much longer to prepare than previous themed baths, but it was so worth it! Also, this is one that can stay up for as long as we'd like, or until our next themed bath, which hopefully will be next week!

City Theme for Toy Cars

I used strips of red duct tape to create a "city" on the tub walls.
I then used a sharpie to draw a few details on the buildings.

L has a lego set that has lots of car ramps that fit together to create your own tracks so I just took a few of those pieces and duct taped them to the walls so his cars could slide into the water.

the ramp duct taped to the faucet was his favorite

To see ALL of our Fun Baths, click the photo below! 

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  1. Hi, Jessie! I'm wondering whether the duct tape leaves behind grimy residue when you peel it off the tub/walls. Otherwise, this is a GREAT idea!

  2. I would have thought that painters tape would have been better - won't last forever, but should peel off clean.....


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