
Saturday, March 17, 2012

The "What's Missing?" Game

Now you see it, now you don't. What could be missing?

I taught L how to play "What's missing?"
This game is fun and simple and promotes visual awareness as well as oral communication.

Together we gathered 6 items to put on a tray. We identified and counted all the items on the tray  several times and then I had him turn around while I took one of the items away. Then when he turned back around I asked him to identify the missing item. He did really well but if he needed some help I gave him a clue (color, beginning letter sound, size, the items use.)

We reversed the roles and I had him remove an item from the tray.
I pretended to not know what the item was so he would give me clues.

He really loved this game and couldn't wait to play it with his daddy when he got home.

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  1. I love this game! We use a blanket and scoop up the missing object in the blanket. Abra Cadabra. ;)

  2. Thanks for all your ideas. I recently linked your blog on mine because I love your ideas and your emphasis on no TV.

  3. Love it!! I have played this before but it's been ages! I just pinned this and tweeted! I'm a speech pathologist and this is a great game for language!

  4. This is such a great idea! I've tried a very simple version of a shell game (you know, three cups, one with something under it) but I like this idea better. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Lovely idea. But is that a crocheted Oswald the Octopus?! If so, do you have the pattern. I would love to make this for my son. Thanks!

  6. Thanks Ashley, and it's not officially the Oswald octopus, but I hadn't thought of that before and we love Oswald! My very talented friend crocheted them for me! Her business is on Facebook if you'd like to look her up. She can make practically anything you'd like!!/pages/Pams-Custom-Creations/107508416009344


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