
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Starting a Local Children's Art Group

After constantly wishing there was some sort of art group for children in my area and not just those high priced mommy and me art classes or camps, I decided to go for it and start a group of my own! I started the group on called The Children's Art Group, set a member limit of 30 (to promote close knit relationships and encourage member participation), and within 3 days it was full...with a waiting list even! That proved to me that obviously I wasn't the only parent in the area wishing for the same kind of group.

We've had two meetups so far and both have been so much fun!
While it's still nice outside i've been holding the meetups outside and scheduling some of the messiest ideas. Soon we'll all be held up inside our homes during the winter and our indoor art playdates may not be AS messy as these recent ones have been haha. For now i'm shooting for two meetups a month.

1st Children's Art Group Meetup
Goop in the Park

I decided that for our first meetup the kids could play with Goop in the park! Goop (cornstarch and water) is a pure sensory art experience and pretty magical stuff! Basically we had buckets of goop, lots of conainers, kid friendly utensils, and food coloring. I spread out a big plastic drop cloth, the parents gathered around and the kids went for it! VERY messy awesome fun!
A successful first meetup!

My child was the messiest...of course lol

2nd Children's Art Group Meetup
 Concoctions and Potions

For this meetup, I had parents bring lots of "ingredients" so the kids could mix and make to their hearts content! Soap shavings, sawdust, glitter, playdough, coffee grounds, fresh mint leaves, dry pasta and beans, acorns, flour, powdered paint, spices, etc. and LOTS of different size containers, muffin tins, cups, etc to mix in, and kid friendly utensils, and a jug of water with a spout so they could add their own water to their mixtures. They really had a blast and it was fun just  watching them make all their concoctions. I set all the ingredients on the seats of picnic tables so they could be easily reached, and all the mixing bowls and cups on the other table.
Lots of spoons, droppers, etc scattered everywhere.

I'm so excited about this group and all the fun we've already had with these two meetups! The kids have a blast and its nice to meet with parents who want to encourage art, creativity, and messy play with their children.

I'll be posting our Meetups here on my blog to maybe give others some ideas for group art playdates or even the encouragement to start their own local children's art group! If you want to see past meetups, i'll be giving THE CHILDREN'S ART GROUP, it's own Page on my blog as well.

Stay tuned for more fun from The Children's Art Group!

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Weaving With a Styrofoam Produce Tray

Today L tried weaving with a styrofoam meat tray. I also cut up a round piece of cardboard to weave on but we didn't get to that one yet.

The pictures are pretty self explanatory.

He didn't spend much time on it, so I knew there wasn't a whole lot of thought behind the pattern he wanted or anything, however his fine motor skills and coordination still got a workout thats for sure. He struggled at first with holding the tray and weaving at the same time. He finally got the hang of it though. I can't wait to try this again at a different age, or perhaps just not right before lunch time when all he can think about is his peanut butter and jelly sandwich :) 

For a more elaborate weaving activity for older children using a styrofoam tray, see

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

The winner of my giveaway, and receiving MaryAnn Kohl's book "First Art," as well as a $50 gift certificate to Hobby Lobby is...
Abigail blogs at "The Llama Momma Blog" about all the fun she and her "Little Llama" have, as well as recipes, art projects, and outside adventures.


Birthday Gift for 1 Year Old: Magnet Exploration Bucket

My friend Tiffany's youngest daughter turned 1 recently 
and I put together a Magnet Exploration Bucket as a gift.

In it, I included these homemade magnets

These were made by simply hot gluing magnets on the back of those cute Hobby Lobby wood pieces.
Her name magnets (in the photo above) were cardboard letters found in the scrapbooking section at Hobby Lobby also.

I also included a magnet wand, a giant paper clip (no pointy ends), a huge jingle bell (definately cannot fit in the mouth) and I also made a mouth friendly book ring loop chain.

I made the book ring loop chain by wrapping rainbow yarn around each metal bookring and hot gluing the ends to secure. This way, if she decides to put it in her mouth, she wont chip a tooth, and the clasps can no longer open because they are all completely wrapped up.

this being the result

Happy Birthday to an adorable little girl!

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

More Fairy Gardens

We've been making more fairy gardens here lately. After making my first one as a gift for a friend of L's for her birthday, I had promised L i'd make him one too. The above picture is L's fairy garden.

Then I had a friend's daughter over for some craft time and we busted out all the supplies we could think of for her very own fairy garden.

She did such a wonderful job and was sooo very creative.
She even gave me a few inspirations for
MY fairy garden that I have still yet to create!

I can't wait to finally make one of my own.
My inner child is ready to bust out!

Wanna see more fairy gardens?!
I've entered the 2011 Fairy Garden Competition over at The Magic Onions.
Go check out all the magic being created by some very creative people!

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