
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Painting on a Dry Erase Board

This huge dry erase board is my alltime favorite garage sale find. There were two for 7 dollars a piece (do you know how much these things normally cost?!) so my mom and I each took one for L to play with at our houses. Ours is in his room with all sorts of magnets on it. He loves it!

However, today it occured to me that he could probably paint on it with washable paint! I tested a corner and it wiped right off. So, then outside it went and the fun began :)

I love that L plays great independantly but also asks me to join in quite often.
I'm usually always up for messy fun.

One thing L always does is ask me to draw out a story or scene of some type. These are always his ideas. I know he loves to see his thoughts come to life. In this case, he asks me to paint a tree with apples ( I painted the tree and he added apples). Then he asked that I paint him climbing the tree trying to get an apple. He also wanted me by the tree watching him climbing it.
So thats what I TRIED to paint.
I think ive mentioned before that i'm the worst artist in the world.
It's all stick figures and cartoonlike creations with me...but L doesn't mind :)

He then asked that I draw a rainbow, which I did. Then he wanted it to be a circle. So I turned it into a circle and he asked that I put certain people standing on top of the rainbow-naming them one by one (he included me and daddy, and some of his friends and even one of daddy's friends)

out of this play came L's first attempt at drawing a stick person!

After a quick hosedown, the board was good as new!

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  1. A fantastic idea! Love this, thanks for the inspiration!

    Would love for you to link this up to Outdoor Play (up now) if you haven't already.

  2. I got one of these 2 years ago at a garage sale for $5 and it's still there - now I know what to bring it out for! :)

  3. What wonderful fun and messy art/play! Please come share with us on It's Playtime.

  4. Love! What a great painting activity - I especially love that you can reuse the board over and over. How useful!


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