
Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

I had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Brunch at Red Lobster
Then home for movies and naps (and a foot massage!) 
Maternity clothes shopping
A trip to one of our favorite creek spots
Then to my mom's to visit and have dinner

Me and my love bug!
Probably the ONLY pic i'll take while pregnant.
 I've gained 40 lbs already! I gained 80 with L.
Soooo pictures of me pregnant are scarce.

L is just as happy, content, and excited to be outdoors as I always was. He absolutely loves exploring.
There's just something about watching him be at peace with the outdoors and nature that really makes me feel like all is right with mommyhood...that i'm doing something good for my son.
Something he'll take with him throughout his life and pass on to his children.
The joy of playing outside.

Taking home his bundle of sticks.
Each stick he finds is equally as cool and important as the last one and they usually have to come home with us. Same goes for rocks.
I love it!

Oh, and I can't forget to share my husband's very sweet gesture. I saw a turtle on the side of the highway about to cross the VERY busy road and I yelled "Hunny! That turtle is about to cross the road! He'll never make it!" and MOST men i've known would have kept on going and tried to reassure me that the tutle would be fine..blah blah blah. BUT, Brian does a u-turn and saves the turtle! Not only did he save it but he goes out of our routed way to find a park with woods and a pond to take him to.
He told me he saved the turtle because he knew if I was driving I would have done it myself anyway, and he knew if he didn't that I'd be worried about that turtle all day. (he so knows me)
Seriously, I am so in love with my husband its like...crazy!

And this funny, beautiful, spirited woman is
my mom
I love you mama!

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day as well! 

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  1. Awww! You guys are the cutest couple ever! (seriously!) What a fantastic Mother's Day you had!! You totally deserve it too! and you look gorgeous as ever!

  2. Ive saved a turtle too!! Sam met her first one because I had to stop and put it in the creek. LOL


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