
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Table Top Magazine Cutout Art

Yes, thats a hotdog butterfly.

I frequently cover our living room table with a large sheet of paper, tape it down, and then let L color on it throughout the day. It serves as a great whenever activity and a really great playdate activity.

Well today I gave him tons of cutouts from magazines that ive saved for random activities, a glue stick and crayons. First of all, coloring can sometimes get old fast for some kids, but gluing usually entices them to stick around longer. Well, thats in L's case anyway.

He glued all the cutouts on the paper and then he wanted me to color with him. He usually TELLS me what to color and when he told me to draw a dinosaur eating the cookie...I...tried.

don't laugh. I have no artistic skills whatsoever. Ok..I guess you can laugh.
L laughed too, but he loved it!

and then the requests kept coming...

a funny face

L standing on the ice cream

a food tree

and a butterfly, which I thought the hotdog would be perfect for.
L thought this was hilarious.

This entertained L for a loooong time. The laughs kept coming and he got to work on his pasting skills. Simple and fun entertainment. 

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  1. Looks like you had as much fun doing that as he did :) Hope you are all doing well, we will have to find an afternoon or weekend to get together. Weston is in school now from 7:30-3:30, so I could pick him up and meet ya'll somewhere one afternooon.

  2. AWWW i love this idea! It would inspire so many fun moments for when the kids come into the front room when bored! I've gotta get me some butcher paper!!

  3. Where do you find paper that size?

  4. Fun!! I was thinking about coping photos of family and friends and then you could cut out lips, eyes, etc... and mix up pics

  5. This is excellent! Great idea to keep them busy during the holidays!

    How do you come up with this creative stuff??

    We're going on holiday for a week to the beach next week & it looks like the weather might be bad. I asked on a local forum for tips & ideas to keep my lg busy & was pointed here...

    SOOOOOOO Glad I've found you!!!

  6. Everything is just fantastic!!!! Best list I've seen for kids activities! Thank you so much for taking the time to share these wonderful ideas!


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