
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Our Winter Wonderful Day

We had our first snow in 2011. Somehow the southern part of the state got all the snow and we ended up with a light dusting with maybe a half inch or so. Oh well... it didn't stop us from having a good time outside! Miraculously my husband's day off was today and he could enjoy it with us! My brother also came over to enjoy some snow time, which of course L just loved. He loooves his Uncle Mike.

Early in the morning we made a pinecone bird feeder
so they birds could enjoy a tasty snack since the ground was covered in snow.

Then we got on our snow gear and we all headed outside for some driveway sledding!
Don't forget to check out our videos at the bottom of this post!

This is L's first time to really enjoy the snow. Last year he was just too little to really get into it, and he certainly couldn't do anything fun like sledding. BUT NOW he loves the snow and had so much fun!

L and his Uncle Mike about to sled down the driveway.
 Don't ask why my brother has no jacket. He's crazy like that!

My handsome hub right after he busted his butt on the ice and I somehow didn't catch it on camera! Darn.

When we'd had enough of the cold we came in to warm up and dry out by the fire. I loved seeing everyones shoes by the fireplace. It so very much reminds me of wonderful childhood memories.

Then I made lunch and cupcakes for everyone

We had a lazy afternoon and I got some reading done! Loving my Kindle..Thanks Mommy!
Then it was time for dinner. Easy and quick sorta homemade crab bisque, which my husband said I could add to the list of "things I could make anytime and all the time."

Finished the day with some fine family friendly entertainment...Nacho Libre.
 which for some reason I just LOVE

And some good ole homemade Snow Icecream. My favorite ice cream of all time, which is sad because its not like you can just go buy it at the grocery store. Luckily there was enough pure snow on the railing on the backporch to make a batch.

Videos of our sledding fun!

Piggyback sledding

My brother

L LOVES sledding!

And that concludes our winter wonderful day!

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  1. What a wonderful winter day you all had! Loved all the pictures! And i ADORE homemade snow ice cream!!! Esp vanilla! The closest i have ever come to finding anything close, is yarnell's homemade vanilla! I put some cherries and the juice on top-and YUM!!!


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