
Friday, January 21, 2011

Crayon Melting on a Warm Plate

L did a crayon melting activity today while I cleaned the kitchen and he loved it!

Warm a plate in the microwave or under hot water.
It doesn't need to be scorching hot to melt the crayons. My plate was very warm to the touch and I explained to L that the plate was very warm. He bumped it a few times, with no reaction.
Just test it first to be on the safe side. 

Give your child some peeled crayons and let them discover the fun of drawing with melting crayons! 

The great part about this is that with hot water, and dish soap, and a scrubbie, the plate washes clean! So you can give your little artist a clean palette when they cover the plate, so they can start again, AND when they're all done, you'll still have a usuable plate! However, don't expect to use the scrubbie again. It remains a bit waxy.

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  1. Hey! I just awarded you the versatile blogger award. Head over to my blog to see how to accept it. I've had a fun time following you and hope that you'll have a fun time passing it on to 15 of your newest favorite blogs. Hope you'll accept :)

  2. Love this!!! I have to let the kids do this very soon!!!

  3. Did you ever think about putting paper on top and pulling off a print? This is something I wanted to try, but I was waiting to get a warming tray. Thanks for this- I don't have to wait anymore!

  4. I just tried this activity and blogged about it! My little guy had a lot of fun, but I don't think I put the plate in long enough to get those gorgeous bright colors! If you are interested:

    Thanks for the idea! ~Justine

  5. I wonder if it might work with a warm plate and a piece of paper taped to it, so the child can keep his masterpiece...
    I have melted crayon with a warming tray before and let the kids paint with brushes.

  6. Once you draw and the crayon is still wet, you can lay a piece of paper on top and the colors will transfer onto the paper. It is really cool! Glitter crayons work well for this too.

  7. LOVE looking at all your posts :) I too am pinterst obsessed!

    i'm saying hello from

    would love if you stopped by to look at my blog too :)

  8. How did you keep him from putting his hands in it? Pretty sure my son would have it on his hands...on his face... in his hair... in his teeth... everywhere... :)

  9. Can u spray something on it to preserve it and use as a serving dish?

  10. I'm not sure but it would be worth trying! How neat would that be!!?

  11. Does this work with washable crayons as well as regular ones?

  12. What kind of plates are you using and how long are you warming them. I tried with a ceramic plate in the microwave for 30 seconds and it wasn't enough to melt. I went to 1 minute and the plate started to crack. However the crayons were melting but only in the area where the crack was. Everywhere else on the plate didn't melt it.

  13. Hi Lynn, sorry it didn't work so well for you. The plate I used was 100% melamine which is a kind of plastic that is commonly used for outdoor tablesettings that you'll find at Walmart or Target. It's dishwasher safe and shatterproof but not microwavable safe because It heats up pretty good. I nuked it for about 40 seconds. I haven't tried this with any other plates to see what else works though.

  14. I haven't tried washable crayons with this activity but I'm almost positive they would work.

  15. thank you. I will try it with that instead. I had picked up the ceramic at goodwill for cheap so I thought I would try it with that. Will pick up the Melamine plates tomorrow :)

  16. Loving your blog and tried a couple of them right now and my kid is so happy. I am trying to click on the treasure icecube one and it keeps linking to this crayone one.

  17. Been snooping on your blog and LOVE it! Thanx for all the great ideas!
    THis crayon melting was one of my favorites as a kid, and I confess I still love it. When i was a kid, and now we do it with all my nieces, we used a plug in pancake griddle. We line it with tin foil and then tape the paper on top of the foil. Put it on the lowest setting that will still melt the crayons and let the kids go at it. Obviously adult supervision is needed. With one of my younger nieces who would turn the heat up anytime our heads were turned, lil booger, lol, we finally taped the knob in the low setting...which is probably good practice anyway... ;)

  18. Ceramic plates would warm up fine in the oven.

  19. My son and I just tried this. It was fun. :) I had a hard time keeping the plate warm enough to melt the crayon for more than a few seconds, but we'll get it down soon. :) Great idea!

  20. Freeze the plate after might help with clean up

  21. One of the longest actual toys anytime created is the crayon, and Crayola just about assume to own this market. Every individual year they actualize over 2 billion crayons. Apparently every child, on average, will plan his or her way through about 780 of these crayons by the time they are ten, and every adolescent amid the ages of two and eight spends about 28 account every individual day colouring application these crayons.


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