
Thursday, August 26, 2010

No Sew Bean Bags

I have a sewing machine but HATE to use it. I've been wanting to make little bean bags for Lawson ( I've even bought the felt for this project a long time ago) but was dreading breaking out the sewing machine.
I saw Fabric Glue at Walmart and immediately thought of the bean bags.

what you need
Fabric Glue
Something to fill the bags (beans, corn, etc)
Ours are filled with deer corn because I have a ton and needed to use it

what you do
1. cut your fabric to the size and shape you want your bags
2. glue the fabric together but leave a space for filling the bag
3. let it dry for a few hours
4. fill your bags and glue the small opening closed
5. let it dry


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  1. Add letters or numbers on them & you have learning beanbags :) so cute!!!

  2. Awesome idea! And that STILL wouldnt require sewing..yay fabric glue!

  3. Great idea a fabric glue would also better, but I love to sew... you have a simple plain Bean Bags, they right just put some designs to look more attractive... thanks

  4. I have been needing to make bean bags for the game we made, however I was afraid fabric glue would not hold together for long after throwing them. How have they held up?

  5. I used A LOT of fabric glue and they have held together perfectly! Over a year later I have still never had to repair them!

  6. Looking so cool information you shared about Bean Bags and I really like it.


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