
Monday, May 24, 2010

Sawdust Play Dough

I probably would have never even tried this had a tree not been cut down in my back yard a few days ago. When I saw the piles of sawdust, being the resourceful mom that I TRY to be, I just knew I could probably put it to use SOMEHOW. Sure enough, there are recipes for Sawdust Play dough on the internet, and quite a few ways to make it.

Sawdust Play Dough
•1 cup clean, well-sifted sawdust

•1/2 cp flour

•1 TBS liquid starch

•1 cup water

Mix together in bowl until a stiff dough is formed, adding extra water if dough is too dry. Allow sawdust play dough to dry for 2-3 days in the sun. ( use sandpaper to smooth after its completely dry)--optional).

This really does feel and roll out like real dough, except that it has a more sensory quality because of the sawdust, which L seemed to really enjoy. I let L play with it for a while then we rolled it out with a rolling pin and cut out a few shapes with cookie cutters. I then let them dry in the sun for a few days (they get rock hard), turning over every so often, and then let Lpaint them. The only mistake I made was not making a hole in them before they dried so I could make ornaments out of them. I will be gluing ribbon on instead.

Great for making paperweights, beads and tree ornaments.
Finished pieces can be painted or stained with food coloring and water.

L's Experience with Sawdust Play Dough

So, if you are able to get your hands on some sawdust (maybe try a lumber yard or saw mill), this is a fun and easy project. 

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this recipe. I am going to try this with my kids. Hopefully they don't try and eat it. I linked to your recipe.

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