
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Magical Place

So we hopped in the car and went nowhere. This is a pretty regular thing. After J gets out of school I call everyone to the car and we drive till we find a spot we like, whether it be a park, a lake...just any place that catches our eye.

Today we spotted a beautiful field. Green grass, lots of trees..just awesome.
I pulled the car over and we got out.

In my days of youth, I would have envisioned this place to be where fairies and elves lived. I had a vivid imagination and even seeing this place as an adult, brought back lots of childhood memories of finding a "magical place"

Now though, as an adult, this place took on another definition of magical. As soon as we got out, the boys took off in the field. There were no questions or uncertain looks. J, my stepson, a video game kid who doesn't take to the outdoors very well, seemed to just accept this place immediately. He picked up a stick and off he went. L also picked up a stick and followed J. I sat down in the middle of the field, closed my eyes in the warm sun and listened to the sound of my boys playing. No complaining, no grunts and moans, or questions of when we were leaving. In the hour we were there, we each only said a few words. It was as if no words were necessary in this place.

 Everyone was happy and content.
and thats magical


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  1. And you got some beautiful pictures to go with the magical. I love how you get in the car and just go until you find a spot thats pretty neat in my book.


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